
Kind Actions



-What does KINDNESS look like? (brainstorm and illustrate and/or write) -Notice that kindness can be expressed with our body and with our words -Notice that kindness can be expressed to different people in different contexts -Illustrate kind actions

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اكتشاف جميع خطط الاشتراك لدينا

Third grade, 2nd grade, 1st grade, Preschool, Exercises & activities, Ethics, Holidays and seasons, Themes


4 Pages | 2.5MB | 0 تحميلs

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March 29, 2020

Vraiment super! Très utile pour mes étudiants!

March 29, 2020

Vraiment super! Très utile pour mes étudiants!

March 29, 2020

Vraiment super! Très utile pour mes étudiants!

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