School subscription

Increase your team's efficiency by facilitating the quick creation of educational material while promoting the sharing of resources.

Benefits of the school subscription*

* The school subscription is identical to the Beginner subscription with the benefits of a private shop space dedicated to your establishment.

What is the private shop space on Edigo?

With the school subscription, subscribed teachers, educators and professionals can share and store their creations in a private shop space exclusive to their establishment. All published documents can be downloaded in a PDF format or customized in Edigo's Editor before being downloaded.


10 to 20 educators $99.99/user/year**
More than 20 educators $94.95/user/year**

Interested in our school subscription?

Contact us today by specifying the number of users you wish to subscribe and their email addresses. We accept purchase orders from establishments.

**  Interested in taking a school subscription for a semester (eg: from January to June), feel free to contact us at [email protected] .